Shingakukai >

Educational foundation Shingakukai

Representation Greeting

Representative’s vision for Shingakukai Shingakukai started in 1953 and thanks to the support and input of many people in the community we now have 16,000 students and a full time staff of 800. Shingakukai reaches out to more than 100,000 people each year through educational guidance, exams, and seminars, in effect having contact with 4.6 % of the population in Nagano. For that support I would like to express my heartful gratitude to the people of Nagano. Shingakukai focuses on the moral, intelectual, and physical elements of education, combining those aspects of education to further the students’ spiritual, artistic, and mental growth. It is our hope that our educational system influences not only those in Nagano but throughout Japan and even globally. In Japan, we believe that today’s education is the foundation for the next hundred years. That is always foremost in our minds and is our motivation for the future. 

Shingakukai logo

The logo is red for passion and the circle symbolized the earth with a figure in flight symbolizing young students on their path to education and adulthood.